application: composition workshops 2016

General information

Birth date:
Postal address:
ZIP code:

Curriculum Vitae and biography

Curriculum Vitae (file type: pdf, one file only):
Add a file
Biography (file type: pdf, one file only):
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Work #1:

Upload here all information about the first work to be submitted: recording or electroacoustic piece (if should be the case), score (if should be the case), program notes, video (if should be the case)...

4 files maximum.
150 Mo maximum for each file.
Types allowed: mp3,wav,pdf,mp4,avi,mov.

Add a file

Work #2:

Upload here all information about the second work to be submitted: recording or electroacoustic piece (if should be the case), score (if should be the case), program notes, video (if should be the case)...

4 files maximum.
150 Mo maximum for each file.
Types allowed: mp3,wav,pdf,mp4,avi,mov.

Add a file

Confirmation and anti-spam protection

By submitting this application, I agree to join the composition workshop / festival Novelum 2014 project if my application is sucessfull. A deposit of 50€ will then be demanded before the beginning of the workshop.